Golf is hard because we make it hard. We over-complicate the swing to the point where most golfers get paralysis by analysis. From the backswing to the grip to the follow through, None of us can possibly remember all you need to digest from most golf instruction.

Hi. My name is Mike Aversano and I am a 3 Handicapper - Want proof??? Go see my USGA Handicap index here:

->>USGA Handicap Lookup<<-- Input my GHIN # - 1822930

But I wasn't always a single digit. In the beginning, I was a 20 Handicapper, a wicked slicer and general hacker. I bought thousands of dollars of training devices, books and videos to improve in the game I love. All had a tidbit here and a nugget there, but none gave me the simple repeatable swing that I have today.

It wasn't until I found the Simple Swing method that I began to improve. There... my secret is out, so be it!!! You see, I am a BIG believer in KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid!!! I am a simple man with simple thoughts. And that's why Simple Swing worked for me. Check it out for yourself here: